Passage of Time 2014

In 2014, there are 6,409 unique visitors making 7,497 visits resulting in 8,711 pageviews, about 24 daily pageviews.

Where are my visitors located?

33.37% of visits are from the United States. The second place is from India with 6.87%.

Where do my visitors come from?

Google is the top traffic source with 87.47% of all visits. Social is almost non-existing.

What devices and operating systems are my visitors using?

44.14% are using Windows, then followed closely by Macintosh with 36.63%. And 96.77% visitors are using desktop devices.

What is the top post?

The most popular post is still Split JSON File into Multiple Parts.

How is my site speed?

The average page load time is 4.33 seconds and the slowest is sampled at 19.71 seconds from 56 samples.


  • ⇧ 59 blog posts (hey, I am writing more than one post a week, more than double the output of last year)
  • ⇩ 72 WeChat moments, less than last year


  • 88 blog posts ⇧ 203%
  • 12 GitHub followers ⇧ 50%
  • 428 GitHub starred ⇧ 28%
  • 33 GitHub following ⇧ 22%
  • 215 Twitter tweets ⇧ 5%
  • 387 Twitter following ⇧ 12%
  • 81 Twitter followers ⇧ 7%
  • 13 Hacker News karma - 0%