Amazon AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

This is a brief guide for installing AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on Ubuntu Linux.

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)] is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. [2]

The point here is unified, one tool to run all Amazon AWS services.


The installation procedure applies to Ubuntu Linux with Zsh and Bash.

Install pip, a Python package manager:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Install awscli:

$ sudo pip install awscli

Install autocompletion:

$ which
$ source

Add this line to ~/.zshrc as well.

Or for Bash ~/.bashrc:

$ echo '\n# Enable AWS CLI autocompletion' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'complete -C aws_completer aws' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Test installation:

$ which aws
$ aws help

Test autocompletion:

$ aws <tab><tab>

You should see a list of all available AWS commands.


Before using aws-cli, you need to tell it about your AWS credentials. There are three ways to specify AWS credentials:

  1. Environment variables
  2. Config file
  3. IAM Role

Using config file is preferred, which is a simple ini file format to be stored in ~/.aws/config. A soft link can be used to link it or just tell awscli where to find it:

$ export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config_file

It is better to use IAM roles with any of the AWS services:

The final option for credentials is highly recommended if you are using aws-cli on an EC2 instance. IAM Roles are a great way to have credentials installed automatically on your instance. If you are using IAM Roles, aws-cli will find them and use them automatically. [4]

The default output is in JSON format. Other formats are tab-delimited text and ASCII-formatted table. For example, using --query filter and table output:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{ \
  ID:InstanceId, TYPE:InstanceType, ZONE:Placement.AvailabilityZone, \
  SECURITY:SecurityGroups[0].GroupId, KEY:KeyName, VPC:VpcId, \
  STATE:State.Name}' --output table

This will print a nice looking table of all EC2 instances.

The command line options also accept JSON format. But when passing in large blocks of data, referring a JSON file is much easier. Both local file and remote URL can be used.


Check the installed and the latest versions:

$ pip search awscli

Upgrade AWS CLI to the latest version:

$ sudo pip install --upgrade awscli


  1. AWS Command Line Interface
  2. User Guide
  3. Reference
  4. GitHub repository