Statistics in November 2014
In November 2014, there are 836 unique visitors making 930 visits resulting in 1,091 pageviews, about 36 daily pageviews.
As today, my blog is still estimated by Alexa. It ranks my blog 911,093 globally and 183,366 in the United States.
Where are my visitors located?
34.09% of visits are from the United States, and the second place is from India with 7.20%.
Where do my visitors come from?
Google is the top traffic source with 83.98% of all visits. Social is almost non-existing.
What devices and operating systems are my visitors using?
43.76% are using Windows, then followed closely by Macintosh with 37.31%. 97.85% visitors are using desktop devices.
What is the top post?
The most popular post is Split a Large JSON File into Smaller Pieces, it is even popular than the site’s main index page.
How is my site speed?
The average page load time is 4.66 seconds. There is one sample coming from China resulted in almost 16 seconds of load time, ouch! That really drags down the average.
Is my blog getting more and more visitors?
Yes! The month-to-month gain is 11.32%, and year-to-year gain is 1,270.49%, more than a thousand fold. Well, I just got started by then.
What are the immediate goals?
- Reach 1,000 unique visitors per month
- Reach 2,000 pageviews per month